How your baby plays, speaks, learns, and acts is important! Paying attention to these things helps us get a better understanding of his or her development. Although unmet milestones does not always mean trouble, understanding these typical developmental milestones will help you determine the need to speak with a pediatrician.
So, what can your baby do by 4 months old?
Smiles spontaneously at people
Likes to play with people and may cry when it stops
Copies some movements and facial expressions, like smiling or frowning
Begins to babble
Babbles with expression and copies sounds
Cries in different ways to express hunger, pain, or being tired
Lets you know if happy or sad
Reaches for toy with one hand
Being to see hand/eye coordination, like reaching for things
Follows moving things with eyes from side to side (called tracking)
Recognizes familiar people from a distance
Holds head steady, unsupported
Pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface
May be able to roll over from tummy to back
Can hold a toy and shake it, or swing at dangling toys
Brings hands to mouth
Pushes up to elbows when lying on stomach
How can I help develop my 4 month old?
Set steady routines for sleeping and feeding
Copy your babys sounds
Pay close attention to likes and dislikes
Act excited and smile when your baby makes sounds
Have quiet play times when you read or sing to baby
Give age-appropriate toys, such as rattles or colorful pictures
Play peek-a-boo
Provide safe opportunities for your baby to reach for toys
Put toys or rattles in your babys hand and help him hold it
Hold your baby upright and sing or talk while baby attempts to “stand” with support
If you are concerned about any of these things, ask your pediatrician for guidance. Check out our other article about milestones and parenting.
As always- like, comment, and share!
Jeri Ford, RN, BSN, CPN
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